natural constant

natural constantnatural constant
  1. A miracle natural constant h


  2. Based on investigation , the author suggests that under natural constant temperature , the underground storage can be classified as dry , medium and wet one according to moisture state , thus to open a new prospect for underground storage .


  3. It is proved that the molecular flexibility f_ ( ij ), which represents the displacement along R_i when the molecule balances under the unit external force along R_j , is the natural constant of the corresponding internal coordinates R_i and R_j .


  4. The natural time constant of a first - order circuit


  5. The P 0 , PRI and MV were higher and nitrogen content was lower relatively for the natural solidified constant viscidity NR.


  6. Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Chlorinated Natural Rubber at Constant Heating Rate ③ heating load rate ;


  7. In this article , we adopt the techniques based on the natural foundation under constant multiplier , relatively simple structure , easy to implement logical operation unit .


  8. According to first-order reaction , nitrobenzene 's total natural attenuation rates constant are 0.063 5 / h and 0.005 9 / h respective of silt medium and sand medium .


  9. Three activation technologies , i.e. the natural activation at constant current , the forced activation at constant current and the forced activation at varied current , for membrane electrode assembly ( MEA ) in proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) were studied by comparison .


  10. Natural disasters are a constant reminder of human vulnerability .


  11. In the last decades , debris flow seemed to have occurred more frequently owing to the human social economic activities , the overdevelopment of natural resources and the constant destruction of the environment .


  12. In that sense , it is natural to understand the constant overseas enthusiastic applauses for China Today Arts Week sponsored by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles ( CFLAC ) .


  13. For all the other attractions on offer around Victoria Falls , the roar that follows you wherever you go within a5 km radius of this natural wonder is a constant reminder why you came .


  14. After separation from the natural , through the constant practice of the freedom to pursue the object ; the objective relationship , through the practice of the pursuit of liberty is the subject , the object is the object of practice .
